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Tuesday 14 November 2017


 Futures & Options are leveraged derivative instruments for trading and hedging risks. In recent times trading in derivatives has gained huge momentum. Trading in derivatives has gained momentum because of their inherit product structure like trading on margin, trading in specified lot sizes, ability to hold the contract till 3 months, ability to short sell on positional basis.

But given the lucrativness to trade in Futures & Options, it also carries certain amount of risks, before being too excited for trading in derivatives it's a good idea to evaluate the risks.
At Epic Research our experience research team works extensively on creating trading strategies for adjusting your risks and extending your profits. We provide you proper levels to trade, to take entry in calls and manage your trades with proper stop loss. We manage your risk and reward ratio. While creating a call we keep in mind your risk appetite, the factors driving market, the technical indicators suggesting market direction and other international factors having bearing on markets.

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